We have provided an Event with example that can be integrated for Applications that belong to the Healthcare Vertical. Please find them below:
We have provided a list of Events with their example usage that can be integrated for Content based Applications. Please find them below:
1. Purchase Event
This is used to track the successful Purchase events or paid subscription to the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the In-App Purchase event in your Application.
trackPurchase: function(userID,revenue,transactionId,pageName, loyalty,serviceCharge,overallDiscount,paymentMode, frequency,latitude,longitude,locale,productItemList);
- Mandatory parameters (Purchase):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Revenue - Total Revenue generated from this Purchase event
- Transaction Id - Unique Purchase Transaction Identifier
- Purchase Frequency - ONCE or RECURRING representing One Time Payment or Subscription based Payment respectively
- Product List - Array of the list of products purchased
Locale - Currency code is used for this event.
Note: For passing custom currency code, Follow the sample below:
Locale is String type. We have to pass country code.
ExampleLocale *currencyCode = ”en_US” ;
Note: Click here to Locale Identifier List
- Optional parameters (Purchase):
- Loyalty - Loyalty points applied on the Purchase
- Overall Discount - Discount applied for the Purchase
- Service Charge - Service Charge applied for the Purchase
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Product List’s Pre-defined parameters for tracking product data on our system-
- Mandatory parameters (Product):
- Product Identifier - Unique Product Identifier
- Product Name - Name of the Product
- Price - Price of the Product
- Quantity - Quantity of the Product being Purchased
- Optional parameters (Product):
- Brand - Brand Name of the Product
- Product Discount - Discount applied for the Product
- Category - Product Category
Sample Code
<script> var productList=[ ]; var values = { "IDENTIFIER": "12345", "PRODUCT_NAME": "Cook Books", "PRICE": 14.99, "QUANTITY": 1, "BRAND": "Gordon Ramsay", "CATEGORY": "Books", "PRODUCT_DISCOUNT": 5.00 } var addProduct; addProduct=JSON.stringify(values); productList.push(addProduct); </script>
Sample Code- Purchase event tracking
<script> // Calling trackPurchase Method... mtractiontracker.trackPurchase( "123", 24.65, "1000123", "Book Purchase", 350.00, 4.99, 5.00, DEBIT_CARD, RECURRING, 35.01, 70.01, “en_US”, productItemList ); } </script>
2. Add To Cart Event
This is used to track each product added by the user to the list of items, he may be willing to purchase on the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Add to Cart event in your Application.
trackAddToCart: function(userID,identifier,productName,category, price,quantity,brand,productDiscount,pageName,latitude,longitude,locale)
- Mandatory parameters (Add to Cart):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Identifier - Unique Event Identifier
- Product Name - Name of the Product
- Category - Product Category
- Price - Price of the Product
Locale - Currency code is used for this event.
Note: For passing custom currency code, Follow the sample below:
Locale is String type. We have to pass country code.
ExampleLocale *currencyCode = ”en_US” ;
Note: Click here to Locale Identifier List
- Optional parameters (Add to Cart):
- Quantity - Quantity of products added to cart
- Brand - Brand of the product added to cart
- Product Discount - Discount applicable for the product added to cart
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackAddToCart(){ mtractiontracker.trackAddToCart(“123”,”1234567”,”Targus Backpack”,”Bags”,29.99,1,”Targus”,5.00,”Product Details”,35.01,70.01,”en_IN”); }</script>
3. Add To Wishlist Event
This is used to track each product added by the user to the list of his desired items, he may be willing to purchase at a later time on the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Add to Wishlist event in your Application.
trackAddToWishlist: function(userID,identifier,productName,category, price,brand,productDiscount,pageName,latitude,longitude,locale)
- Mandatory parameters (Add to Wishlist):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Identifier - Unique Event Identifier
- Product Name - Name of the Product
- Category - Product Category
- Price - Price of the Product
Locale - Currency code is used for this event.
Note: For passing custom currency code, Follow the sample below:
Locale is String type. We have to pass country code.
ExampleLocale *currencyCode = ”en_US” ;
Note: Click here to Locale Identifier List
- Optional parameters (Add to Wishlist):
- Brand - Brand of the product added to cart
- Product Discount - Discount applicable for the product added to cart
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackAddToWishlist(){ mtractiontracker.trackAddToWishlist(“123”,”1234567”,”argus Backpack”,”Bags”,29.99,”Targus”,5.00,”Product Details”,35.01,70.01,”en_IN”); }</script>
4. Checkout Initiated Event
This is used to track the purchase initiation event before the users make their payment towards purchase in the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Checkout Initiated event in your Application.
trackCheckoutInitiated: function(userID,totalPrice,totalLoyalty,pageName, overallDiscount,latitude,longitude,paymentInfo,locale,checkOutInitiatedItemList)
- Mandatory parameters (Checkout Item):
- Identifier - Unique Product Identifier
- Product Name - Name of the Product
- Price - Price of the Product
- Quantity - Quantity of the Product being Purchased
- Category - Product Category
- Optional parameters (Checkout Item):
- Brand - Brand Name of the Product
- Product Discount - Discount applied for the Product
- Mandatory parameters (Checkout Initiated):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Total Price - Sum of the prices of the products initiated for Checkout
- productList - Array of the list of products initiated for Checkout
Locale - Currency code is used for this event.
Note: For passing custom currency code, Follow the sample below:
Locale is String type. We have to pass country code.
ExampleLocale *currencyCode = ”en_US” ;
Note: Click here to Locale Identifier List
- Optional parameters (Checkout Initiated):
- Loyalty - Loyalty points applied on the Purchase
- Overall Discount - Discount applied for the Purchase
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
- Payment Information available - YES or NO depending on the availability of the user’s Payment preferences, in your Application
Sample Code- // Adding the product to the CheckOut Initiated Product List
<script> var checkOutInitiatedItemList=[ ]; var values = { "identifier":"123", "productName": "Targus Backpack", "quantity": 1, "category": "Bags", "price": 29.99 "brand": "Targus", "productDiscount": 5.00 } checkOutInitiatedItemList.push(values); }</script>
Sample Code - // CheckOut Initiated Constructor Call
<script> function trackCheckoutInitiated(){ mtractiontracke.trackCheckoutInitiated(“123”,29.9,65.00,”Purchase_summary”,5.00,35.01,70.01,”YES”,”en_US”,”checkOutInitiatedItemList”); }</script>
5. Cart Abandoned Event
This is used to track the event that is triggered when the users remove products from the shopping cart within your Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Cart Abandoned event in your Application.
trackRemoveFromCart: function(userID,category,pageName,latitude, longitude,locale,removedfromCart_ItemList)
- Mandatory parameters (Cart Abandoned):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Category - Product Category
- Product List - Array of the list of products initiated for Checkout
Locale - Currency code is used for this event.
Note: For passing custom currency code, Follow the sample below:
Locale is String type. We have to pass country code.
ExampleLocale *currencyCode = ”en_US” ;
Note: Click here to Locale Identifier List
- Optional parameters (Cart Abandoned):
- Brand - Brand Name of the Product
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
- Mandatory parameters (Removed from Cart Item):
- Identifier - Unique Product Identifier
- Product Name - Name of the Product
- Price - Price of the Product
- Quantity - Quantity of the Product being Purchased
- Optional parameters (Removed from Cart Item):
- Brand - Brand Name of the Product
- Product Discount - Discount applied for the Product
Sample Code
<script> var removedfromCart_ItemList =[]; var values = { "identifier": "12345", "productName": "Targus Backpack", "price": 29.99, "quantity": 1, "brand": "Targus", "productDiscount": 5.00 } removedfromCart_ItemList.push(values); } </script>
// RemovedFromCart Constructor Call
<script> function trackRemoveFromCart(){ mtractiontracker.trackRemoveFromCart(“123”,”Bags”,”Purchase_summary”,35.01,70.01,”en_IN”,”removedfromCart_ItemList”); }</script>
6. Return Order Event
This is used to track the Return Order event triggered when an user has completed a return product request on the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Order Return event in your Application.
trackReturnOrder: function(userID,category,identifier,productName,brand,refundAmount,quantity,transactionId,pageName,latitude,longitude,locale)
- Mandatory parameters (Return Order):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Category - Product Category
- Identifier - Unique Event Identifier
- Product Name - Name of the Product
- Refund Amount - Amount to be refunded for the product
- Quantity - Quantity of the product requested for refund
Locale - Currency code is used for this event.
Note: For passing custom currency code, Follow the sample below:
Locale is String type. We have to pass country code.
ExampleLocale *currencyCode = ”en_US” ;
Note: Click here to Locale Identifier List
- Optional parameters (Return Order):
- Brand - Brand Name of the Product
- Transaction Id - Transaction Identifier of the order returned
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackReturnOrder(){ mtractiontracker.trackReturnOrder(“123”,”Bags”,”12345”,”Targus Backpack”,”Targus”,20.00,1,”100065789”,”Track Orders”,35.01,70.01,”en_IN”); }</script>
7. Product Compare Event
This is used to track the product comparison event to let the users compare different products in the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Product Compare event in your Application.
trackProductCompared: function(userID,category,pageName,latitude,longitude,productComparedItemList)
// ProductCompared Product List
- Mandatory parameters (Product Compared Item):
- Identifier - Unique Product Identifier
- Product Name - Name of the Product
- Price - Price of the Product
- Optional parameters (Product Compared Item):
- Brand - Brand Name of the Product
- Product Discount - Discount applied for the Product
- Tier - Class of the Product
// ProductCompared Product List
- Mandatory parameters (Product Compared):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Product List - Array of the list of products initiated for Checkout
- Optional parameters (Product Compared):
- Category - Product Category
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> var productComparedItemList =[]; var values = { "identifier": "12345", "productName": "Targus Backpack", "price": 29.99 "brand": "Targus", "tier": "Bags for Macbook", "productDiscount": 5.00 } productComparedItemList.push(values); }</script>
// ProductCompared Constructor Call
<script> function trackProductCompared(){ mtractiontracker.trackProductCompared(“123”,”Bags”,”Compare Products”,35.01,70.01”productComparedItemList”); }</script>