We have provided an Event with example that can be integrated for Applications that belong to the Healthcare Vertical. Please find them below:
1.Purchase Service Event
This is used to track the services purchased by the user which are offered in the application.(After User Successfully completed payment of the service offered.)
You will need to call the below method to track the In-App Purchase Service event in your Application.
trackPurchaseService :function(userId,serviceType,revenue,transactionId, providerName,providerId,pageName, latitude,longitude,paymentMode,bookDate,locale)
- Mandatory parameters (Purchase Service):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Service Type-Service Type applied for the Purchase Service
- Revenue- Total Revenue generated from this Purchase Service event
- Transaction Id - Unique Purchase Service Transaction Identifier
Locale - Currency code is used for this event.
Note: For passing custom currency code, Follow the sample below:
Locale is String type. We have to pass country code.
ExampleLocale *currencyCode = ”en_US” ;
Note: Click here to Locale Identifier List
- Optional parameters (Purchase Service):
- Provider Id - Unique Provider Identifier
- Provider Name -Name of the Provider
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Date - Purchase Booking date
Note: Date is string type and should be in the format of - "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Sample Code
<script> function convertDateFormat (){ var e1 = “2017-01-20 10:10:10”; if(e1!=""){ var d1 = new Date(e1), d1format = [d1.getFullYear(),d1.getMonth()+1, d1.getDate() ].join('-')+' '+ [d1.getHours(), d1.getMinutes(), d1.getSeconds()].join(':'); bookDate = d1format; }} </script>
Sample Code
<script> function trackPurchaseService(){ mtractiontracker.trackPurchaseService(“123”,”RoutineCheckup”,20.0,”12345”,”Unlimited eConsults”,”1234”,”Policy Payment”,35.01,70.01,”GIFT_CARD”,”bookDate”,”en_IN”); }</script>