We have provided a list of Events with their example usage that can be integrated for Social Applications. Please find them below:
1. Paid Subscription Deactivated Event
This is used to track when the User has unsubscribed from any of the services of the Social Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Subscription Deactivated event in your Application.
- Mandatory parameters (Paid Subscription Deactivated):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Optional parameters (Paid Subscription Deactivated):
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackPaidSubscriptionDeactivated(){ mtractiontracker.trackPaidSubscriptionDeactivated(“123”,”My Account”,35.01,70.01); }</script>
2. Profile Updated Event
This is used to track the event triggered when the user has updated his profile information on the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Profile Updation event in your Application.
trackProfileUpdated: function(userID,category,pageName,latitude,longitude)
- Mandatory parameters (Profile Updated):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Category - Category/Section of the profile update
- Optional parameters (Profile Updated):
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackProfileUpdated(){ mtractiontracker.trackProfileUpdated(“123”,”Personal Section”,”My Profile”,35.01,70.01); }</script>
3. Friends Added Event
This is used to track the event triggered when the user has added a new friend to his list on the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Friends added event in your Application.
trackFriendsAdded: function(userID,description,age,pageName,latitude,longitude,gender)
- Mandatory parameters (Friends Added):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Optional parameters (Friends Added):
- Gender - MALE or FEMALE based on the sex of the person, being added as a friend
- Age - Age of the person being added
- Pagename - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
- Description - Event Description
Sample Code
<script> function trackFriendsAdded(){ mtractiontracker.trackFriendsAdded(“123”,Friend request sent to id: 567”,27,”Recommended Friends”,35.01,70.01,”MALE”); }</script>
4. Chatted Event
This is used to track the private or group chat event initiated by the user to other user(s) on the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Chatted event in your Application.
trackChatted: function(userIDFrom,userIDTo,pageName,latitude,longitude,chatType)
- Mandatory parameters (Chatted):
- User Id From - Unique Identifier of the User who initiated the Chat
- User Id To - Unique Identifier of the User who received the Chat
- Optional parameters (Chatted):
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackChatted(){ mtractiontracker.trackChatted(“123”,”567”,”Private Chat”,35.01,70.01,”GROUP_CHAT”); }</script>
5. New Group Created Event
This is used to track the event triggered when an user has created a group in your Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Group Created event in your Application.
trackNewGroupCreated: function(userID,pageName,quantity,latitude,longitude)
- Mandatory parameters (New Group Created):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Optional parameters (New Group Created):
- Quantity - Size of the Group created
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackNewGroupCreated(){ mtractiontracker.trackNewGroupCreated(“123”,”Create group”,50,35.01,70.01); }</script>
6. Call Placed Event
This is used to track the call event initiated by an user to another user on the Application.
You will need to call the below method to track the Call Placed event in your Application.
trackCallPlaced: function(userIDFrom,userIDTo,pageName,latitude,longitude)
- Mandatory parameters (Call Placed Item):
- User Id From - Unique Identifier of the User who initiated the Call
- User Id To - Unique Identifier of the User who received the Call
- Optional parameters (Call Placed Item):
- Pagename - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackCallPlaced(){ mtractiontracker.trackCallPlaced(“123456789”,”87654321”,”Contact List”,35.01,70.01); }</script>