1. Paid Subscription Deactivated Event
This is used to track when the Player has unsubscribed from any of the services of the Game.
You will need to call the below method to track the Subscription Deactivated event in your Application.
trackPaidSubscriptionDeactivated: function(userID,pageName,latitude,longitude)
- Mandatory parameters (Paid Subscription Deactivated):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Optional parameters (Paid Subscription Deactivated):
- Page Name - Page that triggered the Event
- Location - Geolocation of the Event
Sample Code
<script> function trackPaidSubscriptionDeactivated(){ mtractiontracker.trackPaidSubscriptionDeactivated(“123”,”My Account”,35.01,70.01); }</script>
2. Level Achieved Event
This is used to track Player’s progress in the game when he has successfully completed a level.
You will need to call the below method to track the Level Achieved Event in your Application.
trackLevelAchieved: function(userID,level,score,rank)
- Mandatory parameters (Level Achieved):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Level - Level Reached by the Player
- Score - Score accumulated by the Player
- Optional parameters (Level Achieved):
- Rank - Player’s Rank
Sample Code
script> function trackLevelAchieved(){ mtractiontracker.trackLevelAchieved(“123”,5,4650,5); }</script>
3. Achievement Unlocked Event
This is used to track the Game Player’s progress when he has completed any milestones to move to the next level of the game.
You will need to call the below method to track the Achievement Unlocked event in your Application.
- Mandatory parameters (Achievement Unlocked Event):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Identifier - Unique Identifier of the Level reached by the Player
- Optional parameters (Achievement Unlocked Event):
- Description - Details about the Achievement
- Category - Category of the Achievement
Sample Code
<script> function trackAchievementUnblocked(){ mtractiontracker.trackAchievementUnblocked(“123”,”Storm Trooper”,”Novice”,”L10”); }</script>
4. Tutorial Completed Event
This is used to track the event triggered when the Player has completed any tutorials in the Game.
You will need to call the below method to track the Tutorial Completed event in your Application.
trackTutorialCompleted: function(userID,identifier,flag)
- Mandatory parameters (Tutorial Completed):
- User Id - Unique User Identifier
- Success Flag - TRUE OR FALSE based on the successful evaluation (if available) of the tutorial in the Game.
- Identifier - Unique Tutorial Identifier
Sample Code
<script> function trackTutorialCompleted(){ mtractiontracker.trackTutorialCompleted(“123”,”10008”,”TRUE”); }</script>